Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In the spirit of the debate tonight

In the spirit of the debate tonight, I almost forgot what we're leavin' behind. Or are we? McCain/Palin could be just as...

Try and imagine McCain's political protege in the "town hall meeting" format trying to read her notes to the audience (Watch her read below). If you think McCain was ridiculous tonight, just imagine the train wreck.

Foreign Policy Expert, Geographical Maverick
And this is one of my favs that Obama alluded to in the first debate: where McLame takes a hardcore line against Prime Minister Zapatero of Spain apparently thinking he's a strong-arm Latin American dictator or something, saying "we'll stand up to tinpot dictators." The interviewer had to inform him politely that she was talking about Spain. Keep in mind that afterwards foreign policy advisor and super-lobbyist Randy Scheunemann insisted that McCain wasn't confused at all, in fact his comments were intentional. What's really odd is that back in April McCain had mentioned that Zapatero should be invited to the White House (On CNN, the Spanish reaction : you get to see the anchor read headlines aloud in Spanish while translating for us!).

(Spain mentioned at 2:30)

Alright: Arguably risk a diplomatic incident with Spain equating their duly elected prime minister to a "tinpot dictator" instead of simply admitting you were confused? How about making a political spectacle and interrupting the bailout crisis negotiations? Better yet, maybe starting a cold war with Russia for domestic political gain during the crisis in Georgia (for McCain the "first...serious crisis internationally since the end of the Cold War."?

Remember, he's made many stupid mistakes like this before demonstrating a pattern of profound ignorance: calling the Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia (more than once! How dare he!), and stating that Iraq shares a border with Pakistan, not to mention his absurd claim that Al-Qaeda (sunni) goes into Iran (shia) for military training (and also more than once!). If you keep saying this shit, they aren't gaffes.

And what about his infamous temper and obvious contempt when asked anything resembling a serious question (Come on, blowin' off the WSJ?)? And telling jokes about rape and killing Iranians, among other unsavory topics (We're talkin' personality now, right?)? Can't imagine Obama getting away with rape jokes. Somehow it'd become an issue about his "character," I think. One set of rules for Dems and another for Republicans. Wouldn't they call that "moral relativism." I don't know, I'm beginning to think that being shot down in Vietnam ain't good enough. Basta!

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