Friday, May 7, 2010

Animals Are Beautiful People*

It's been a while since I've written anything, and much has happened, but nothing---not even the new nativistic Arizona immigration law---is as remarkable as this, my new favorite fact (Since the mid 19-f*&!ing-70s they've been doing this!), and my new heroes:

(photo: National Geographic)

Not even this "common sense" pandering to racist Southerners (I love that he says, "It'll save money."As if printing driver's license tests in other languages is what keeps Alabama down economically. Way back during the antebellum glory days, those days that Virginia's governor recently attempted to exalt, it used to be that elite Southern landowners would make the not-too-dissimilar hard sell, telling their poor, out-of-work-whites: "Listen up...y'all may have to compete with African slave labor, but hey: at least you ain't in that "peculiar institution" to which Nature has seen fit to reduce the poor Negro. The absence of these chattel chains, by the miracle of your white birth, means you are free. Don't y'all see? Haven't y'all read the Bible, the story of Ham?");

None of this is as incredible as the fact that generations of f-ing beavers over the last 35 years have built a dam that can be seen from space! What the hell have my cats been doing this past decade? For all I know they've been breaking revolutionary ground in political philosophy by sniffing each other's scent glands (...some of which are in their butts).

(photo: Steve Anderson, The Edmonton Journal)

Or maybe they're actually just doing stuff like this when I'm not around:

There are other idiotic things going on I'll never want to forget though. For example, Nevada senatorial candidate, Sue Lowden, advocating (in earnest) for a bartering system for those without health insurance. Colbert, true to form, nails it.

Though that particular story may be eclipsed by this man trying to carry out the citizen's arrest of a grand jury foreman IN TENNESSEE for not investigating the non-issue of President Obama's legal status. Consequently, another man was so outraged by the arrest of the wannabe citizen's arrester that he attempted to show his solidarity with the aforementioned by driving from his home in Georgia, armed with an AK-47, out to the Tennessee jail to demonstrate. He was arrested after he told the cops during a routine traffic stop what he was doing, and that he was armed (Pssst: can't cross state lines with firearms, Jackass). The melodramatic call to arms on the video to head down to the courthouse to free Mr. Citizen's Arrest is classic right-wing paranoia. A couple citizen's arrests indeed! The white man is sooo persecuted.

I wonder how these oppressed dissidents reacted to the news that Louisiana shot down a gun bill that would have allowed firearms IN CHURCHES. They are no doubt some of the same self-perceived martyrs fighting against the "tyranny" of the Obama administration by coming armed to a gun rights rally----held in a federal park, one of the many which now allow guns because of Obama---- on the anniversary of the Oklahoma bombing. Don't take our guns away? How about: "Thank you, Mr. President. We thought you would be a liberal or leftist. Apparently, you're neither."

I hate to be simplistic, but these are all the same people.

And finally, Seth Myers with a funny:

*The title of the wonderful film, Animals are Beautiful People.

1 comment:

Madame Pierogi said...

That is one BIG BEAVER!...(dam that is). That is totally fascinating and I think beavers are now my new favorite animal. Although...I would like to see a throwdown between a group of platypus and a group of beavers. Can you imagine the carnage?

Your post merely proves that humans are far less evolved than our furry friends. I wonder if Beaver's ask for immigration papers when entering their dam?